Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Martin Parr's The Last Resort

After seeing Martin Parr’s iconic work shot in New Brighton, you can kind of see the desired effect that people want to recreate in the digital age. His work is very saturated and spontaneously natural. 

Even though Parr's images have very in depth meanings about the British working class and can been seen as very controversial, on the surface, the colours and saturation in images can be seen as very aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I feel this is why Instagram, Hipstamatic and other apps alike can create images which could be seen as mode of "photography" because you can closely recreate a similar feel in your own images as Parr created in his, using just a mobile phone camera. I am in no way saying that there is a close comparison between an Instagram photo and the work of Martin Parr but you can see how people aspire to create images with a similar feel.
Martin Parr seems to be all about the snap shot and Instagram seems to essentially be all about the same thing. It just gives you the chance to share your snap shots with an online community and also tweak your images slightly with the use of correct exposure button and several filters.
 (own image)
(own image)

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